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Home FeaturedEvents IWB Community Partnership Info for African Women in Tech: An Event for the Ages for Women in Tech

IWB Community Partnership Info for African Women in Tech: An Event for the Ages for Women in Tech

by Roveen Anyango
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The International Women of Blockchain (IWB) is leading the way in putting to the forefront women in blockchain technology and is making women leaders of the charge towards building the future of blockchain.

As an organization where women interested in blockchain get to learn about blockchain then, the upcoming IWB event is one that no woman in tech should be missing.

What is the 3rd Annual International Web3/Blockchain Conference of 2023?

Between March 22-24, 2023, the MGM National Harbor, Washington D.C will play host to the 3rd Annual International Web3/Blockchain Conference.

The event will bring together women from all across the world in an exciting and inclusive event which will shine the spotlight on women blockchain enthusiasts, while also raising awareness about blockchain to women who are new to the technology.

For more accessibility, the event will be hybrid, meaning it will be a physical conference but also partially virtual, allowing for women who are not able to travel tune in and still be part of the event.

Who is Invited to the Event?

The IWB Web3/ Blockchain Conference is open to any woman in tech or with interest in blockchain from all over the world.

Where can I get the tickets to the event?

You can get your tickets from here and become part of the movement of getting more women at the fore of adopting blockchain. The tickets are divided into four categories: General Pass tickets, VIP tickets, Virtual Pass and Student Pass so you get to choose which ticket is applicable to you.

Select the appropriate ticket and enter the access code when prompted. 

Discount Code: awitiwb2023

How do I follow the event online?

Additionally, you can also follow updates on the event at #IWB2023 on Twitter. Other hashtags also connected to IWB include #iwbevent, #web3 and #blockchain. You can make yourself heard by tweeting, sharing, liking and interacting with posts with these hashtags.

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and grab your tickets and be part of the women making moves in the world of blockchain technology!

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