Let’s explore the practical examples in the various sub-categories of XaaS. The existing practical examples of Everything as a Service (XaaS) further emphasize on the growing popularity of XaaS.
Software as a Service (SaaS). These are applications that are supplied by the cloud provider. They are accessible from various client devices including Web browsers and APIs. Examples include;
- Gmail
- Google Docs
- Dropbox
- Office 365
Platform as a Service (PaaS). Involves deploying applications onto the cloud Infrastructure. The provider supports programming languages, tools and libraries. Examples include;
- OpenShift
- Amazon EC2
- Google App Engines
- Heroku
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). This is a cloud service that allows businesses to rent or lease IT infrastructure components. It includes provision of fundamental computing resources. The resources are distributes and support dynamic scaling. There is control over Operating systems, storage and deployment applications. Users do not manage or control the underlying Cloud Infrastructure. Examples include;
- Microsoft Azure
- Google Compute Engine
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Computer Cloud

The difference between the three main types of XaaS technology is that SaaS provide remote software for users to use on their own systems, PaaS offer assistance in managing those programs while IaaS provides infrastructure support by storing data or providing servers necessary to run them.
EaaS – Engineering as a Service. Providing engineering as a service is clearly made practical by Rolls Royce Total Care. Total care is a subscription model called ‘Power by the hour’. For a flat hourly rate per engine, Rolls Royce handles installations, check-ups, maintenance and decommissioning.
DbaaS – Database as a Service. Allows businesses to organize, filter and store data in software. This Data can be accessed, analyzed and decisions made regards it. Example; Oracle Database.
STaaS – Storage as a Service. Enables businesses to have all their data internally. They are storage solutions. Examples; Pure Storage Pure as-a-Service and Pure Cloud Block Store.
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