How to Permanently Delete a WordPress Website

How to Permanently Delete a WordPress Website

There are several common scenarios that may lead you to consider deleting your WordPress website. Perhaps you’ve stopped blogging, your business has closed, or you’ve started a new website from scratch and want to remove the old one.

However, if you are like most people, then deleting the website might be something you are unfamiliar with. Not all of us are techies, and neither will we be able to navigate the tech world without hiccups competently.

So, how, then, do you permanently delete your website from existence?

Backup Your Website

Before deleting your website, it is prudent to back up everything on it. No matter how confident you are that deleting your site now is the correct decision, you might need your old site as a reference point.

You can back up a site you are deleting in many ways, such as using one of the many WordPress backup Plugins.

Delete Files from the Site

Once the data has been backed up, the next step is deleting the site.

First, you will delete the files that allow the site to function. You can delete the website files using the cPanel (Control Panel). To access the cPanel, you will need login details and a password, which will be provided by your hosting server.

Another option is FTP, which communicates with your hosting server and allows you to send files and folders from your PC to an online hosting server.

Delete the Database

Now, we come to the part where you delete the website database.

Once again, you will need to use cPanel. Log into your host and navigate to cPanel. Scroll down to the Database Tools section and click on the MySQL Database option.

This will open a list of your website database. You can then delete it from the relevant database.

Once deleted, remember to delete the domain name and the content from the search engine.