Tips for Effective Teamwork

When looking for a job, one of the things that job seekers highlight is the ability to work in a team. And yes this is music to the ears of hiring companies. Companies and organizations that have projects mostly require employees to work together to achieve certain results. Whether you are looking to be hired or are already working, this will be of great help, tips for effective teamwork.

Clearly define the expected results

There is a goal as to why a team is put together in the first place. It is to achieve a certain defined result. Every member in the team needs to understand clearly the goals and the expected results. This is the basic foundation of working in a team. The expected results are the answer to the ‘Why?’. When the ‘Why’ is clear, it will be easier for the team to steer knowing the direction in which they are headed to. Before anything else, let the expected results be crystal clear.

Clarifying the roles and responsibilities

The beauty of working in a team is the ability to delegate. It is the ability of each individual member to be responsible over specific tasks, all in the light of arriving to the expected results. Roles and responsibilities allow the members to keep to their lane and avoid confusion.

A team leader is responsible for steering the whole team and delegating. Each member needs to understand what contribution they will be making. Responsibilities also give a sense of belonging to the team and the need to put your best foot forward because all the team members are counting on you to do your part as they do theirs.

Working with the strengths of individual team members

Effective teamwork doesn’t fall short of harnessing the strengths of individual team members. The strength in a team is in the diversity. In situations where team members are working on the part in which they have experience and skills, it means that there will be quality in the results obtained.

For example there could be a Finance role, Procurement role, Sales role, Technical (IT) role, management role. The experience and knowledge should guide who is doing what.


Communication and more communication will lead to the success of a team. Where there is no communication or miscommunication, fall outs happen and results are not delivered. Communication saves the boat from sinking during rough storms. Yes it is never a smooth sail when it comes to teams.

Every member’s opinion should be respected and the freedom of expression should always be promoted when working in a team. It is better to even over-communicate in a team. Communication allows the team members to be on the same page and make decisions together.

Set deadlines

It is paramount to set deadlines when working in a team. Deadlines allow the entire team to keep abreast with the time factor. Goals are Time-bound, hence there is need to make sure tasks are on track with the expected delivery dates. This can be realized by breaking down the milestones to set deadlines.

Have effective regular meetings

Emphasis is laid on effective because sometimes meetings can only be a waste of time. It is therefore important to know how to have effective and regular meetings. The agenda of the meetings should be clearly laid out and communicated to each member prior to meetings. The meetings should also not last too long because otherwise their effective ability is lost.

Celebrate milestones

Too much work and no play….. Team members need to be allowed room to celebrate and interact besides the normal work interactions. In a much relaxed environment where relationships can be fostered and the sense of belonging to the team emphasized. The best time for celebrations is when milestones are being checked off. Celebrations create momentum for the remaining tasks.

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