Tips for creating a Great Business Logo

Great Business Logos

A logo is the face of your brand. It is the Identifier of your brand. For proper brand recognition, Image is King. Whether rebranding or branding for the first time, you will need a Business Logo that is memorable and relatable. While it’s not an easy task, here are some tips for creating a Great Business Logo.

Understand your brand

Brand is a maker. It is the experience consumers get with interaction with your products and service. It is the perception people have about the goods or service you provide. What is being said about you brand?

Understanding your brand allows you to create a logo that speaks in line with the brand. Is the brand being perceived as luxurious, what aspect is it touching, fitness, food, technology, what space is it exactly portraying? Understanding the emotion that your brand brings in people also points one in the direction of creating a logo related to the same.


Keep it simple

The power of simplicity applies across the entire spectrum of life generally. Simplicity is relatable and easily understood. It eliminates the possibility of ambiguity and speaks volume about clarity in vision and mission.

Having a Great Business Logo then means having it simple. Simple is elegant and sometimes less is definitely more. For example when we look at the apple logo, it is simple enough, very literal and very relatable.

While there is the temptation of being sophisticated and unique, keeping it simple for the logo is definitely the way to go. Some brands like FedEx are as simple as the word itself, yet still do a great job for the logo and rightfully representing the brand. Allow creativity to drive you in the direction of simplicity rather than in the complexity direction for logos.

apple logo

Pick an appropriate color

Color evokes emotion. People associate different colors to various emotions and meaning. For example white and generally represents peace, red may represent passion and desire, other colors are also related gender wise.

A knowledge in the emotion associated with your brand will help you choose appropriate logo colors for it. For example choosing a feminine color for a brand that is male oriented may be a mistake as it may not sit well with the emotions of the intended consumers.

Before choosing a color, you can create the logos as black and white to also see how they look and then think about color after that. Black and white are the easiest colors to work with as a foundation.

Understand your audience

Understanding your audience means you get to know the likes and dislikes of your audience. Getting to know their age bracket, their background in terms of education, finance, environment, religion, ethnicity and gender.

Once you understand your audience a logo can be created that appeals to your target audience. For example what is appealing to teenagers is different from what may appeal to 40 year olds.

Knowing your audience will allow you make better and informed decisions regards the look of the logo, the colors that will be attached to it and the emotion that it seeks to bring out to the target audience.

Consider your competition

You cannot avoid your competition. While being overly consumed by them isn’t the point, considering how they have done their logo may help. While this may not necessary be good advice, Good Artists copy and Great Artists steal. Depends from which angle you are looking at it.

Considering your competition will give you insight into what you could probable do better and improve on. Considering how consumers respond to your competitors logo will point you in the right direction while creating yours as well.

It helps to find some pointers that could help you break even and create a much more appealing logo to the target audience.

Get feedback

While we believe in ourselves and in our creativity, we aren’t the consumers. What we consider amazing may not be necessarily appealing to other people. Which then begs the question, how will you know if you have created a good logo?

Getting feedback is the answer. Feedback from the target consumers is most important for this. Give them a chance to experience and interact with the logo and then get the feedback. Their feedback may give you a general feel of how the logo will be perceived by the target market.

A logo is the silent welcome door to your Business.

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