Tips and Phrases to Help You Build Rapport with Customers

Whether you run a shop, are a shop attendant, work at a call center or simply addressing a complaint, building rapport is an enormous part of dealing with other people who look to you.

Thus, it is crucial that you are effective and direct in how you communicate, so that you not only help the customer solve a problem, but also create such a positive impression on them that they come back to your business.

Here is how to do that.

Show commonality

We make friends and romantic partnerships with people who are like us. Whether that be hobbies and interests, world view, political philosophy and what not.

When dealing with customers, try to find common ground so that you create a sense of ‘belongingness’ with the customer. To do this, show genuine interest in the customer and that way, you will quickly learn about them and use what you know to build a connection.

Show initative

The customer comes to you because they believe that you are capable of giving them what they need. If someone chooses your business, it’s because they trust that you will serve them well. If they bring in a complaint, it’s because they believe you will help them solve it.

Thus, take ownership of the situation or problem. Be positive and emphatic in your speech, even as you are courteous. Let the customer know that you are in control of the situation and that they did the right thing to come to you.

If the customer is lodging a complaint, apologize and quickly try to help them solve the issue. This builds trust.

Use the right phrases

Words have power and this is never more apparent than when in a tense situation and need deescalate if quickly.

Phrases like the following can help a lot in building a good rapport with a customer:

  • I’d be happy to help you
  • Thank you/You’re welcome
  • Yeah, I see your point
  • Yes, that would frustrate me too
  • Let me look into it
  • I appreciate your patience

These phrases, and many others, when said in the right tone, helps the customer feel confident in you and makes them more likely to begin trusting you.

In everything you do, remember that building credibility is the best currency in any business and building rapport is the best way to build credibility.

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