More Scholarship Opportunities for You Around the World


In case you are here for the first time, we have been writing about scholarship opportunities for people like you all around the world.

In this article we look at five different scholarship opportunities that you should consider applying for.

Fully Funded Commonwealth Master’s Full-Time Scholarship

This Scholarship is by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) which provides the UK government scholarship scheme led by international development objectives.

The Commonwealth Master’s Scholarship is funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). It is aimed at candidates from low and middle income Commonwealth nations who are talented and motivated enough to gain knowledge and skills required for sustainable development.

You can apply for this programme here before October 17, 2023.

D-Prize Global Competition for Entrepreneurs 2023

Are you an entrepreneur with an eye for non-profit, problem-solving enterprises?

If so, then this programme is for you. The D-Prize aims to find business people whose businesses are aimed at solving poverty problems.

Up to $20000 in seed money is at stake and will be given to 30+ teams this year so that they get to implement their ideas.

To apply, you will need to download the application form here, which you then should submit by October 15 for early submissions and November 5 for normal submissions.

Fully Funded Commonwealth PhD Full-Time Doctoral Scholarships for Study in the UK 2023/2024

Commonwealth PhD Scholarships are for applicants from least developed countries and fragile states who are looking for full-time doctoral study at a UK university.

It is also part of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and is aimed at individuals who display outstanding talent and identifiable potential from all backgrounds. It is also funded by the FCDO.

To apply, there are three types of nominating agency: national nominating agency, which is the main application route, selected universities/university bodies and Selected NGOs and charitable bodies.

Application deadline is on October 17, 2023.

Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Programme 2023

The Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program is a two-month program that gives a small group of talented people from across the world everything they need to launch a field-leading charity. The incubation program is fully cost-covered.

The program can help you launch a high-impact NGO as they provide you with evidence-based ideas, expert training and funding of up to $200,000.

You can click here to apply before the deadline of September 30, 2023.

PIAF Princeton in Africa Fellowship 2024

The Princeton in Africa Fellowship (PIAF) is a 12-month fellowship that provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for personal and professional development and growth. It is an opportunity to join a growing community of passionate PIAF alumni.

You will cover transportation to and from 2024-2025 Fellowship Application, which can be found here. You also cover for the expenses of the fellowship but in exchange, get to work closely with many people and network.

Click here to apply.


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