How to unwind after a tough year


As we are wrapping up an year, it may have had its own share of challenges. Life may have thrown us some tough blows. Here are some tips on how to unwind after a tough year.

Go on a vacation or relax at home.

Sometimes all what we need is a good nap and food. Don’t be shy to give yourself this treat especially after a tough year. If possible go on a vacation to unwind and rest. Change of environment and scenery allows our minds to relax and unplug from the normal busy schedules. Intentionally relaxing at home is also a great way to unwind and it costs less as well.


Choose to be grateful.

Yes many things have gone wrong and yes many have not worked but hey! at least you are alive. You have breath in your lungs and are now reading this article. This is something to be grateful for. Choose to be thankful and begin to count and write down the things that you are grateful for. Even the obstacles you faced made you a stronger, resilient person and taught you some valuable lessons.

“The more thankful I became, the more my bounty increased. That’s because- for sure – what you focus on expands. When you focus on the goodness in life, you create more of it. “ – Oprah Winfrey


Reach out to others.

It’s good to realize that you may not be the only one who had a tough year. Probably the people around you, your colleagues, friends and family, also had their share of challenges. It would make much of a difference being their for them as well. Not because you don’t have your own personal struggles, but because you know how it feels to face struggles and the importance of a shoulder to lean on.


Express your feelings of frustration.

Bottling issues up is a risk that no one should take. We all have various ways of expressing our frustrations. It may be through writing , speaking about it to another person, recording as a voice note, typing, crying , venting. What matters is letting out the feelings of frustration. It may not answer the questions but it sure unpacks the issues and helps to unwind.


Get lost in a book or movie.

This is especially for the book and movie lovers. Get a book in the genre that you like and get lost in the world of the characters. Immerse yourself and take your mind off other things. This will put you in a better mental condition. Get a good movie to watch that will elevate your spirits. Also listening to music and/or singing along is therapeutic.

Make plans.

The past is something that we cannot be able to change. We cannot undo it, but, the beauty is we have the power that is in the present. We can choose to make better plans now as we learn from the challenges we have experienced. The plans will help steer our path and aid to rise above the obstacles previously experienced.

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1 comment

What to do if your year had a rough start - AWIT January 11, 2022 - 10:41 am
[…] doing lots of things. Just to be clear, being busy doesn’t equate productivity. Taking time to unplug and slow down is certainly something we all need. We should take time off not only when things are […]

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