How to Improve Your Phone’s Performance


While new, our phones will often perform excellently. They will be fast, reliable, and be excellent in all that the manufacturers promised. However, after a certain period, the phone will begin to show some drop in performance. It will become slow, take some time to launch apps and perhaps even hang every once in a while. Find out How to Improve Your Phone’s Performance

Here is how to troubleshoot the phone to give it a new lease on life.

Restart the phone occasionally.

This is perhaps the most basic way of ensuring that your phone continues to perform well. If you notice a sudden drop in your phone’s performance, before doing anything else, first restart your phone. Restarting your phone clears background processes that may be temporarily clogging your phone’s performance. Restart your phone at least once a week. If it shows frequent signs of slowing down, increase the frequency to at least every other day.

Update the firmware

Software updates are not fun but they are the best ways to ensure that your phone is up to date in performance. Google often enhances improvements to a device with each new Android updated. Each new update will improve the phone’s performance, speed, connectivity and stability. This may not make the phone any faster, but it will fix certain bugs or security patches which can have a positive impact on performance.

While on this, also ensure that you update your apps.

Clear up storage space

When your phone’s memory is filling up, then it will begin to slow down to a crawl. According to Google, a device with less than 10% free storage space will show a noticeable decrease in performance. Thus, you need to keep your unused storage above 10%, preferably, around 20%.

To free up the storage space, Go to Settings. Then scroll down to Storage. In Samsung phones, this will be under Battery and device care. Check the remaining storage. If it is below 20%, begin to uninstall unused apps, delete photos and clear unused files.

More tips to improving your phone’s performance can be found here. If none of these work, then consider factory resetting your phone.

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