Habits that you should consider growing


Changes which are small seem insignificant initially, however they compound to great results in the long haul. Here are some habits that you should consider growing this year.

1. Reading books.

Books grow our imaginations and enrich our vocabularies. Books let us in into other people’s lives. They tend to silence the noise around us and immerse us into another world. Begin reading genres that you are interested in. If you are having difficulty reading or relating to a book, simply drop it and pick up another one.

2. Setting goals.

Setting goals allows you to elaborate and break down you vision, work on it and engage in feedback and analysis as you go on. While some people have failed to attain their goals, you don’t need to add on to that statistic. Here are some ways to help you in setting better goals.


3. Being intentional with your relationships.

We cannot deny the importance of relationships in our lives. We are in need of each other. In need of love and compassion from others. When everything else may seem to be taking up our time, perhaps its time to slot in time to call up a friend or family member, meet up for drinks, arrange a cook out together, go for vacations together. Without being intentional, this may remain only but a wish.

4. Eating healthy and Working out.

Most of us being eating healthy when we visit the doctor and receive some heartbreaking news. At that point it is normally too late. What if we can still check our diets and still be excited about food. Our bodies tend to crave more of what we give them. If we give them healthy foods and work outs, they will crave for more of it and will create a win-win situation for the body and to the other areas of life.

5. Having enough sleep.

Many people don’t get sufficient sleep. Netflix through most part of the night or social media. We are getting more and more hooked. Perhaps it’s time to keep the tv and phone away from the bedroom and to intentionally go to bed early. Have at least 7-8 hours of sleep a day. It allows you to recharge and for your brain to rejuvenate.

6. Giving back.

Choose to put a smile on someone else’s face. Giving back could include visiting a children’ home and playing with the kids. Volunteering in the home of the elderly or in schools and homes for children with disabilities. It could also look like paying school fees for an orphan. Search within you and decide what giving back would look like to you then give back and thank me later.

7. Starting and seeing something through.

It is easy to start something. However being consistent and persistent through it is another different story. And this is what creates the difference. We lack patience in many aspects. It takes a lot of discipline to birth something and grow it. Seek to see to life your projects, goals, resolutions no matter the challenges in the journey.

8. Attitude of gratitude- Counting your blessings.

Try not to complain. Look around you and see the blessings. Be grateful for fresh air, health, friends and families, challenges and obstacles. We attract what we are. Choose to attract positivity by being a positive person and seeing the good. It reduces stress and keeps you focused on the right path. We have a lot to be grateful for. Even for the fact that you are reading this article.

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