Fun things to do with friends on a Budget

Fun things to do with friends on a Budget

With the hard Economic times, Fun and Entertainment has almost become a luxury. Yet again you need to rest, unwind and spend time with the people you love even with the limited budget. Where there is a will, there is always a way. Here are some suggestions on fun things to do with friends on a Budget.

Movie Night

Movie Night is a great way to have fun with your friends on a budget. Better if you already have a Netflix account or HBO. There are now many free online sites that you can also use to stream movies. You can make some popcorns, huddle up on the couch and enjoy great watching time.

Optionally, you could do binge watching. Movies will most likely bring more conversations and you will definitely have a great time with your friends.

Game Night

Another fun thing to do with friends on a budget is Game Night. Games are wide ranged. You could have Board games and puzzles, for example Scrabble, Monopoly, Dixit, Sequence . There are card games for example Uno. Alternatively you can play video games and have like a small tournament together.

Besides, You can also explore charades, name the tune game and/or. Put on your competitive hat and have fun!

Cooking or Picnic

Where there is food, there are people. Food is a love language that we can tap into when on a budget. You can intentionally choose to cook together, like be together in the kitchen helping each other. The conversations that you will have will be impeccable in a relaxed environment.

Choose  a meal that majority of you enjoy eating. Alternately you can bake cookies and decorate together. This way, the stomach and heart will both be full.


Yes, Karaoke. It is very interesting to sing with friends. You can be yourself, sing any tune and be completely out of tune with no concern. Because it is a relaxed environment with friends, you can be yourself.

What’s more, it is a great way to unwind and let loose. With this digital age, you can make use of apps to facilitate your karaoke.

Fun things to do with friends on a Budget

Go for a drive

Going out is amazing. What best way than just going for a drive with your friends. You do not need to go far. You can drive to the closest nearby town and explore it. Further, you can go to a close national park or simple park and simply walk around enjoying nature.

Optionally, you can find somewhere in nature, park there and have great conversations while catching sunsets or watching the stars.

Have a clothing swap

Cloth swapping is very interesting. What you do, you ask all your friends to come with clothes that they no longer way are aren’t much interested in.

You combine all the clothes together and change into the ones you like. The great thing is that they can potentially be yours because your friends doesn’t probably need them.

Craft Vision boards

A vision is powerful and Important. You will be surprised on the suggestions and thoughts that your friends may contribute. It will be a great bonding time together for sure. You will get to know their priorities and even how much better you can support them.

Take time to craft Vision Boards together and make them as creative as possible. You can find some vision ideas on Pinterest.

Go window shopping

Being on Budget doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to dream. Take time to go window shopping with your friends. Window shop on things that you are mutually interested in. It could be clothes, cars, properties like buildings and land.

Go for expos and window shop vacations. As well, Window shop for books. On top of that, It is able to create a spark in you for better things and create a goal for you. Do not be afraid to Window shop.

Play a Round of Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare game still remains epic. It is great to get to know much more about your friends while still having a good time. Over and above that, it is great for unearthing stories and being a little silly.

Here are some ideas on questions and dares that you can use for this.

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