Books to Read in 2022


Books are written to be read. It could be poetry, cooking, fiction, science or nonfiction…which are the books to read in 2022?

Do not just pick a book. Aim at gaining something from the book that you will have chosen. A good book has a friendly price as the aim of the writer is to pass on the knowledge or entertainment that has been “bottled up” in a book. Whichever book you pick, let it be in line with your personal resolution for this New Year!

Each of these books below is listed on Amazon at around than US $30.

“Small World” by Jonathan Evison, is a title of highly imaginative stories and a good story structure given the fact that it aims at nation-building. It explodes into flames challenging whether the United States of America has fulfilled its promises towards eradicating injustices. It is a non-fiction.

small world

“Seven Keys: Biblical Principles to Unlock Your Destiny” by Lincoln K. Serwanga, is a must read. This book comes at a time when many of us are wondering what next after the COVID19 Threat!

We all need to find the God-ordained path and thereafter the destination for our lives. Getting there is has always been a challenge but Lincoln has put before us seven keys that will unlock every reader’s destiny. Remember, keys are tools that help us access restricted spaces… Get the keys!

seven keys

“All That She Carried” by Tiya Miles, a present day historian uncovers the story of an enslaved woman, Rose; her daughter, Ashley. They were separated from each other and the daughter sold at 9 years old. This is a modern day explore into slavery. It is indeed a touching story that once read can help bring to light the effects of this evil upon so many women and families like them.

“Meditations: The Annotated Edition” by Marcus Aurelius and edited by Robin Waterfield. This is a must read that will change and influence a life from the point of reading onwards. A series of personal writing from the ancient Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius, “Meditations” is a collection of writings that consist private notes expressing ideas on Stoicism. In here are points that helped Emperor Marcus Aurelius towards self-improvement.

“Lost and Found: A Memoir” by Kathryn Schulz who is described as “one of the great writers of our time…” She is a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of that really scary New Yorker article about the Pacific Northwest mega-earthquake. Here in her book, Lost and Found: A Memoir, Schultz stands out as seismic, though on a personal scale. Before her father died, Schulz fell in love giving an elaborate insight into her meditations on two great points of human relationships: loss and discovery.

“Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head” by Warsan Shire is the first full-length poetry collection. It is highly anticipated as an understatement. It is a must read from a Kenyan-born, Somali-British writer and poet who is favorites with Beyoncé. Her writing arouses a craving for home and is often sentimental for memories not her own, but for those of her parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, people who forged her idea of her ancestral homeland through their own stories. She is a well-known poet given such a large following on twitter of over 80,000 Twitter followers.

“Banana Republic, where writing is treasonous” by Kakwenza Rukirabashaija, a Lawyer and Novelist, and the 2021 Award winner of PEN PINTER prize for international writer of courage and author of The Greedy Barbarian.

In the initial pages of the Banana Republic, there is a depiction of mercy and torture. There is an unforgiving father who must show how merciless he is by cycling to school. He appears to show the world and other learners that his son wets the bed: exposes the dirty bedding that his son lies on.

As you read, flow into the journey as well as gain insights that spark transformation as presented by the author.

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