5 ways to craft a Killer Resume Cover

Resume Cover

A step in the right direction towards landing a job is writing a proper Resume Cover. There are jobs which require you to attach a Cover Letter. The idea of writing a Resume Cover is easier said than done. To many it is a daunting task. Here are 5 ways to craft a Killer Resume Cover.

Tell them the skills you have in parallel to the role you are applying for.

There is a reason why a company lists the roles and responsibilities for a particular job. This is to be able to attract people with those set of skills. A company is seeking to hire because there is need for it. Not for the sake of it. It becomes paramount therefore to evaluate what you can offer as value to them. Here it is about what you can do for the company, what you have to offer them. Give them a reason why they will need you for that specific role. Tell them of the skills that you have, by experience and/or by education.
In a Cloud Computing job for example, you can highlight that you have worked with 5 different companies to host their applications using Kubernetes on GKE.


Highlight your passions in relation to what the company does.

Passion is fuel. When the going gets tough and obstacles present themselves, passion remains the driving force. Companies and Employers seek to hire people who have self drive. People who can work with minimum supervision. Not being pushed around and always having need to be told what to do. It takes Passion to be such a fit to the company. For the example if the role is of a Social Media Manager, mention how much you love people, interacting with them and bringing out the best in them. If you have passion for people and social development, then the chances of excelling at the Social Media Manager job are high. Allow your passions to shine. This is not selling yourself too much. It is simply expressing your passions.

Be yourself.

Authenticity is highly appreciated. Being a copycat or someone you are not often sells you out as an unreliable and not honest. Allow yourself to be true and vulnerable to yourself. Present who you truly are, not anyone else. In fact, being yourself elevates your self-confidence and calmness. It presents you as a stable person and people are attracted to stability. Be true and honest when writing your Resume Cover. This doesn’t negate the fact that you need to remain Professional. Be yourself in a Professional respectable manner.

Keep it simple and short.

In a Resume Cover, use fewer words to say more. Keep the cover letter as brief, possibly with 3 paragraphs and  a maximum of 4. You already have a Curriculum Vitae which has gone into details about your education, work experience and References. Therefore, keep the Resume Cover short and sweet. Free flowing without complicated Vocabulary. Simplicity goes to show that you understand your craft and can articulate it in the simplest way possible.

Be specific and sprinkle some numbers.

There is no time to beat around the bush when it comes to the Resume Cover. Be intentional with the choice of words. Allow the words to be specific. Add in a measurable aspect to it. This means attaching numbers. Numbers cut the chase and are specific. In situations where there are thousands of applications, it is the ability to be measurable that will allow you to stand out. Avoid vagueness by all means in a Resume Cover. Also avoid ambiguity, don’t leave the employer to fill in any gaps for themselves.
For example; I have Implemented this ERP in 3 companies as a Functional consultant, each company having approximately 50 Users from various departments. I was involved in the entire process including Demo, Training up to Go live processes.

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