4 Tips on How to build confidence at work

4 Tips on How to build confidence at work

4 Tips on How to build confidence at work

Beginning a new job can often be a very daunting task, especially if it’s your first job. Additionally, you can also begin to lack confidence at work because you feel threatened by your colleagues, are fearful of losing your job or don’t get enough recognition for your efforts.

However, you don’t need to continue lacking confidence. Especially because it can lead to a drop in performance and further trouble for you. Instead, below are some ways for you to build your confidence.

Stay focused on yourself

A major reason that many people lose their confidence at work is that they will often be comparing themselves to others. This comparison is detrimental.

Instead, rather than seek measurement of who you are from your colleagues, focus more on yourself. If you are known for your reliability, honesty, and hard work, then focus on improving yourself further in those areas. Rather than focusing on what you lack but others have.

Develop new skills

If you find that you are lacking confidence at work due to doubt in your abilities, then consider learning new skills.

Identify areas that you know you can further improve on. Then, begin creating an action plan about how to develop them. If the work environment begins to value certain skills that you do not have, make a point to begin learning them rather than sitting at your desk and watching your confidence fade.

If for example, your work begins to place more emphasis on begin literate on tech, rather than let your lack of tech knowledge eat your confidence, begin learning basic tech stuff, either from younger colleagues or through simple online courses.

Find a mentor

If you are in a new work environment or have been assigned a new role, it is critical that you find a mentor before beginning work without guidance which will highlight your insecurities.

So, find a more talented or more experienced person to help you along the way. This could be as simple as approaching an older person in the company and asking them for advice. Or perhaps even contacting the company human resource department to find out if they can help you settle in your new role.

Have a positive attitude

Develop a positive attitude. Now, a positive attitude does not mean that you are always happy, but rather, that you are resilient. It means that you develop an attitude where rather than sulk at disappointments, you instead, begin working on solutions.

A positive attitude means that you trust your ability to overcome challenges even when you feel down because you believe that nothing cannot be overcome.

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